Purpose: To provide a service club for CA Members who are interested in volunteering to help others file basic federal tax returns. The club is affiliated with the AARP Tax-Aide program. Members provide free services to prepare Federal Form 1040 tax returns for CA members and low income families in the greater Sun City Center area. The primary focus is on the current tax year, on returns that can be e-filed (by computer), and on returns with less complex issues as time and circumstances allow.
Membership: Open to CA Members interested in tax preparation or in providing other assistance during the tax season. Tax counselors will be required to take a week-long class and pass an open-book test to qualify to prepare tax returns. Members are required to serve at least one hour during the tax season. Members are not required to pay dues.
Meetings: Informal meetings are held during the fall planning period, the January training period, and during the season as necessary. An annual meeting is scheduled at the close of the tax season to evaluate the season and set goals for next season. The club is normally inactive from May to November.
Contact Don Frederick (634-4200) or Marilyn Wilson (633-5679) or like us on Facebook at “SCC Taxaide” for more information on our programs, current site schedules and activities.