Purpose: To provide a forum for interested Veterans and Civilians to become more informed about Military aviation current and past by providing interesting speakers from various aviation related fields.
Membership: The Silver Osprey Squadron #64, a chapter of the Association of Naval Aviation Squadron is open to all individuals who have an interest in military aviation. We welcome civilians and military (officers and enlisted; active duty or retired). We have two categories of membership:
- Regular Member – Must be a member in good standing with the local Silver Osprey Squadron #64 and a member in good standing with the Association of Naval Aviation. You must be a Regular Member in order to vote and hold office.
- Supporting Member – Need only to be a member in good standing with the local Silver Osprey Squadron #64. A Supporting Member has all the rights and privileges of a Regular Member except the right to hold office or vote.
Meetings: At present, we hold six (6) monthly luncheons in the Plaza Club at Freedom Village. Our meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of October, November, February, March, April & May. Our luncheon meetings are open to the public, but we encourage interested parties to join and become active members of our organization.
- Silver Osprey Squadron annual dues are currently $20.00 payable on 10/1 each year.
- Luncheons are currently $14.00 each, for a member and their spouse and $17.00 for non-members.
- Association of Naval Aviation annual dues are currently $40.00 for civilians and non active duty military. Membership includes ANA’s quarterly magazine.
Contact: If you wish to receive an application for membership in either ANA or Silver Osprey, or just want to be added to our general mailing list: Email: Silverosprey@yahoo.com or call: Roger T. Kennicutt, CDR USN (retired), Commanding Officer 813-260-3221