Purpose: A remarkable array of Veterans Clubs are offered here in Sun City Center. These organizations are established to strengthen friendships between veterans of the armed forces and students, to promote the intellectual development of its members, to advance and promote recognition of nationally recognized veterans’ holidays, and to review and explore educational opportunities and benefits that exist for current and potential veterans of the armed forces.
Membership: All veterans are welcome to attend/join Post 246.
Meetings: American Legion Post 246 holds meetings in Room 3 of the Community Hall on the third Thursday of the following months: January, March, May, September, October (November date to be announced). Start at 9:30 a.m. preceded at 9:00 a.m. with coffee and donuts. All veterans are welcome to attend/join Post 246.
Contact: Commander Paul Wheat (813)391-7309 pawheatjr@aol.com of 1st Vice Commander Janet Taylor (813)600-7616 jtaylor2771@yahoo.com