The SCC Amateur radio club provides emergency communications to the Sun City Center community in times of crisis. We are associated with the Hillsborough County Emergency services organizations as well. We offer support to other organizations in Sun City Center that require radio communications for their projects and events. The club radio room is staffed from 9am – 11am Monday through Friday.
Purpose: The Sun City Center Amateur Radio Club (SCCARC) promotes the hobby of amateur radio communications and national and international goodwill between people. We maintain an active radio facility capable of worldwide as well as statewide communications. At our meetings, we present topics of interest to fellow amateurs. License testing is held locally upon request. We are an Affiliate Club of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) the principal representative of Amateur radio in the USA to the international radio community.
Membership: Any member of the Community Association with a valid FCC issued Amateur Radio license may become a full member, unlicensed individuals may join as an Associate member. The club radio room is located in the Maintenance building in the Central Campus. Communications on the Shortwave (HF), VHF and UHF Amateur Radio frequencies is supported by an installation of state-of-the-art equipment and multiple antennas. The equipment is available for emergency use at all times.
Meetings: Regular club meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month starting at 2:00 PM in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building. We also have social (picnics, lunches, parties, etc.) and radio operating activities (radiosport/contesting/technical projects) during the year.
Contact: Visit our website or email us KE4ZIP@GMAIL.COM for more information.