Swingers Square Dance Club

Square dancing is fun and friendship set to music.


Purpose: Square dancing has been a part of the Sun City Center Active Lifestyles since Del Webb hired a caller for weekly square dances in Town Hall in 1962.  The Swingers Square Dance Club has been continually dancing since 1968.  It is great exercise for the brain and body while you are having fun.

Membership:  Dances are open to any CA member or Kings Point resident and their guests.  

Meetings:  We dance Mainstream and Plus to all types of music, from golden oldies to current hits, Friday evenings October through May.  A square dance workshop is held before each dance.  Workshops and dances are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium Building on North Course Road.  The club will have a round dance cuer from January through April.  Round dance lessons are held Monday afternoons January through April in the new dance studio at 1203 North Pebble Beach Blvd.  Professional callers and cuers are used at all of our dances, workshops and lessons.

Contact:  For more information visit our website at:  www.floridasquaredance.com/suncity/index.html