Par for the Chorus

The Sun City Center Barbershop chorus, known as “Par for the Chorus” is a no audition mixed chorus.  We have been singing and entertaining the residents of Sun City Center since 2002.  We perform chorus and quartet arrangements of songs in the distinctive barbershop a cappella style.  Please join us if you like to sing and want to learn how to create those fabulous ringing barbershop chords. 

Purpose: To perpetuate the old American institution, the barbershop song style and to encourage vocal harmony and good fellowship among its members. To participate in charitable projects and promote public appreciation of barbershop harmony.

Meetings: Every Tuesday 12:30-2:30pm at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 701 Valley Forge Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573

Contact: David Lemley (404)606-0543 or visit our Facebook page at SCCbarbershopchorus