Promoting and developing art activities with the knowledge and appreciation artistic expression.
Purpose: To promote Art appreciation and participation. We welcome everyone from the newest beginner to the most accomplished artist.
Membership: Open to anyone who is a Sun City Center CA member or Kings Point Members with a KP Club Usage Card. Dues are $15 per year starting in January.
Meetings: Demos are held on the 3rd Monday of the month in the Rollins Theater, from October through April. Classes and workshops are offered for a small professional fee. An annual Art Show is held in January or February. The Club operates an Art Gallery adjacent to the club room. The Art Gallery features a new exhibit each month from September through June. Opening Receptions are held from 1:00-3:00pm on the first Wednesday of the month and are open to members of the community and their guests. The Art Club promotes artists’ work in our community with the Artist of the Month Program.
The Art Club also produces a monthly newsletter and calendar with information on all events. We also maintain a lending library of art books and periodicals and conduct social events throughout the year.
Contact: The or our website